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For Expecting Women, To-Be-Expecting Women, and Mothers

Below are some more resources to guide and assist you with your pregnancy. Whether you’re interested in the history of child birth in the United States, are looking for more ideas for birthing positions, or are stocking up your birth kit for the big day, there’s something for everyone below.

Childbirth Connection’s Pamphlet on the Rights of Birthing Women.
Explanation of the Rights of Birthing Women

Center for the Childbearing Year
Website for the Center for the Childbearing Year. A Washtenaw Community Based Natural Birth Support Center Offering Classes, Information and More as a Southern Michigan Community Resource

North American Registry of Midwives

Midwives Alliance of North America

Michigan Midwives
Michigan Midwives Association

Birth Kits
My Personalized Birth Kit

The History of Childbirth
100 Years of True Childbirth History

Birthing Positions
Easier Childbirth with Better Positioning

Birthing Classes
Classes and Information from the Popular Book by Pam England “Birthing from Within”

Website for the Popular Magazine “Mothering”

Mother Earth Midwifery