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To stay angry at the disparities in child care in America this week. We all get busy, we all watch our children grow and slowly forget our birth experiences. Don’t forget that if you weren’t treated well millions of others aren’t being treated well just like you right now today and it wasn’t fair for you and it’s still not fair for them.

And if you were traded well and you had a great experience, only a fraction of the population are having that same experience or one like it. Don’t forget how unfair that is.

Don’t forget that people of color are going to lose more parents and babies to childbirth by doubles triples quadruples and a couple numbers in some areas than white people.

Don’t forget it’s always the worst for young black women.

Don’t forget there’s so much money spent on Health Care in this country it could support two or three other mid-sized countries and yet we aren’t are improving.

Don’t forget there’s activists out there still risking their freedom and livelihood to make sure that you have someone to stand by Your side if you make a different choice besides the mainstream.

Don’t forget the too many Midwifery practices go out of business within 5 years. Even more by 10 years. Almost all of them by 20.

Don’t forget that as much as you love babies, and individual parent loves their baby an unquantifiable number of times more than you ever could as a stranger who gets to make choices for them.

Don’t forget that child protective services get called when black women take their babies home from the hospital even though they’re well just because of protocol multiple times more than white parents for the same reason. Because they’re considered a little quirky but rational, but the black family are just dangerous and uneducated.

Don’t forget about how families of color and indigenous people have their children taken away (even just for having a healthy baby but outside of the hospital without an attendant, or sometimes even with a licensed one, for minor or even undiscernible reasons that would  at rates so much greater than white people it’s blatantly obvious the only reason is racism. We’ve done the math, and we know the truth and we still do it and your taxes pay for it.

Don’t forget Joseph DeLee and the AMA approached the Catholic church for their support to push childbirth into the hospital for no other reason than to make money and control women’s bodies and lives. And in doing so they also invented anti-abortion laws, nearly eradicated out of hospital and traditional Midwifery in America while also abusing countless low-income women women of color and indigenous and immigrant women for the purposes of “science”. And they did it with a pamphlet campaign.

Don’t forget the power of the written word. And don’t forget to keep using it to speak out against State sanctioned and healthcare professional endorsed abuses and sexual tyranny.

Don’t forget.

Don’t forget

Don’t forget

Mother Earth Midwifery